«Those we call foreigners» at the Die Institution
An invitation to participate in The Society (Die Gesellschaft).
Stuttgart, marzo de 2023
The Trailer collective (Karina Pino and Alessandra Santiesteban) participated in Die Gesellschaft (The Society), presented on February 11, 2023 as part of Herbordt/Mohren’s Das Schaudepot project.
Das Schaudepot is a space that explores untold stories, rejected ideas and forgotten projects found, at first, in the archives of the Max Planck Society since 1900. Among them proposals for world peace, educational reforms and other initiatives that never saw the light of day. From these archives, Herbordt/Mohren created in 2020 and 2021 an intergenerational, participatory and engaged research society. This project was developed both online and on stages such as the Rampe Theater in Stuttgart, with the collaboration of artists, scientists and communities from different cities around the world, such as Berlin, Istanbul and Salvador de Bahia.
At Das Schaudepot, visitors can discover this fictional society and become part of it. The experience includes an introduction to the proposal, a video archive, a performative encounter, the possibility of becoming a member, and even a board game that invites collective reflection. It is a space to question how knowledge and stories are constructed and stored, while encouraging participation and dialogue.
Photos Dominique Brewing